Sunday, October 16, 2011

Preparing for day one...

Here we go! Again.
I'm starting a new chapter in my weight loss journey. It's a drastic one, but after losing 85 lbs on Weight Watchers (and gaining it ALL back +), I am excited to begin this new program.

Tomorrow is my first day, and I cannot eat ANY food. I can only take supplements and a fiber powder mix with water!
Uh, yummy? Nah. But the sacrifice will be worth it.


1. Enhance my relationship with my DH. We have a wonderful, loving relationship, but it's hard to feel sexy when you're carrying a lot of extra weight.

2. Ride rides at the local LARGE amusement park with my kids. I always take them, year after year, and I have to wait by the exit because I can't go. It really isn't the rides, but what the rides mean. More quality, fun time with my kids.

3. Feel better. I'm tired of carrying around an extra adult on my back. When I am healthier, I walk around more, want to play outside, and generally enjoy trying new things. I hate that this part of my life is dormant. I'm ready to wake up.

4. Money. I spend WAY TOO MUCH ON FOOD. I'm ready to put that money toward my life, not my belly.

5. Better sleep. I'm ready to wake up in the morning refreshed, not sore and needing oxygen from the heavy snoring.

I'm sure there is more, but I think that's enough. Don't you?
Wish me luck.